best remedies for flu and sore throat in Kenya


The best remedies for flu and sore throat in Kenya seems to vary by who you talk to. Some people think that certain over-the-counter medications are the best way to get relief. Others feel homeopathic remedies work the best. Still others feel that only their doctor can help make them make the appropriate choice.

If you talked to my husband he would tell you the best flu remedy is to not get the flu (he’s not always the most helpful person). He talks smart because he hardly ever gets sick. I’m very jealous of him. I think his genes must be better than mine because he doesn’t eat healthier or exercise any more than I do yet I get sick a lot more often than he does.

I catch the flu nearly every year. I’ve tried over-the-counter medications, some homeopathic remedies, and have gone to my doctor when I’ve gotten bad cases of the flu and sore throat.

Below I’ve listed some common, and some not so common remedies for the flu. Some of the remedies are homeopathic; others involve taking over-the counter medications; while others are prescription.

  1. This first item is more of a suggestion to keep yourself from getting sick again rather than a remedy but I think it’s a really good tip. Put your toothbrush in a cup with hydrogen peroxide in it to prevent you from re-infecting yourself (especially if you have a sore throat in Kenya). Toothbrushes are a haven for germs and the hydrogen peroxide will kill the bacteria on your toothbrush. You may decide to put your toothbrush in hydrogen peroxide every day to kill the bacteria that accumulate.

2. In addition to putting your toothbrush in a cup of hydrogen peroxide you may want to put a few drops of hydrogen peroxide in your ears. It can help kill flu (or cold) germs. Sometimes the hydrogen peroxide will sting a little. The process is to put a few drops in one ear with a cotton ball or a Q-tip. After a few minutes drain the excess fluid out onto a paper towel. Then do the same thing in the other ear. Repeat the process after an hour or two. Continue to repeat until the hydrogen peroxide doesn’t bubble when it’s put into the ear (usually after 2 or 3 times). The hydrogen peroxide is said to be most effective if it’s used as soon as possible after getting sick. Still there’s an ear hydrogen peroxide ear drop that you can use called EARKLIN if it’s difficult working with the raw hydrogen peroxide.

3. Vitamin C can lessen the duration of the flu and sore throat according to studies. Talk to your doctor, pharmacist, or herbalist for advice on how much and how often to take it, and also to make sure it will not interfere with any other medications or supplements you may already be taking. Vitamin C can also act as the best remedies for flu and sore throat in Kenya as it helps prevent the infection as it is good at boosting a person’s immune system. My personal Vitamin C of choice is a GLENCEE 1000MG from Glenmark. It tastes great and helps me feel better overall.

4. Nasal sprays to help relieve flu symptoms are available over the counter. One product is called STERIMAR NASAL SPRAY. It come with different strengths, and can be purchased without the need of a prescription because it is main content is sea water. Nasal sprays aren’t as popular as most other remedies though because many people dislike using nasal sprays.

5. Fever, headaches, and aching muscles are common symptoms of the flu. Paracetamol or ibuprofen, are both available over the counter can help lessen the pain.

6. A persistent cough may be present when a person has the flu. There are many over the counter cough herbal medicines, such as Zecuf and Good Morning herbal cough syrup in Kenya, to help quiet a cough associated with the flu.

7. Congestion is another symptom that a person may get with the flu. An oral decongestant can help loosen the congestion. Again there are many over the counter products available to fight flu symptoms such as congestion. This include Cetirizine, Levocetirizine, Desloratadine, Rupatadine and others. Also, inhalation formulas such as Karvol can help ease the nasal congestion safely without the need of a prescription.

8. A sore throat can be another bothersome symptom of the flu. Some best remedies for flu and sore throat in Kenya include Throat lozenges like Strepsil and Medikeel A or sprays can help with the pain. I gargle with warm salt water every hour when my throat is sore. It’s a remedy my Mom used when I was little. It worked for me then and it still works for me now.

9. Rest is a very important part of fighting the flu. Your body needs rest to help it fight the infection in your body. So give in to that urge to cuddle up under the covers and rest. You’re likely to feel better faster if you do.

10. Drink as many fluids are you can when you have the flu. Avoid drinks with caffeine because caffeinated drinks act as mild diuretics. Water is the best liquid but can be hard for someone who feels sick to drink enough of. Other good choices of liquid are clear juices, Gatorade (or any of the other sports drinks available) as well as flavored water and Pedialyte. When I was a child and had the flu my Mom always gave me 7-up to drink. I could drink it without feeling sick to my stomach and it tasted good so I was able to drink enough of it to keep myself from getting dehydrated.

Always remember that the flu (depending on what strain you have contracted) can be a life-threatening illness if not treated properly. Don’t be afraid to contact your doctor if your symptoms don’t start to get better in a few days or if they are very severe.

Another thing to remember when you have the flu (or are sick with anything else) is to only treat the symptoms you have. There are lots of best remedies for flu and sore throat in Kenya over-the-counter products available to treat flu symptoms. Many of those products relieve multiple symptoms. But sometimes you donít have all the symptoms that particular medication treats. Look for products that treat the symptoms you have, but nothing more. You donít want to over-medicate yourself.

Disclaimer: this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat illness and disease; nor is it intended as dispensation of medical advice.

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