
Prevention and Care of Diabetes in Kenya

Diabetes is more prevalent than ever in Kenya and 95% of cases diagnosed are type 2 diabetes. Although for some the development of diabetes is inevitable, perhaps due to hereditary and other factors, for the vast majority prevention and care of diabetes in Kenya can be achieved by taking these 7 simple steps… Before diabetes type 2 becomes fully developed you go through a stage known as pre-diabetes. This is where you start to show some of the symptoms, which if ignored, can lead to full blown diabetes. Make these…

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Medical Insurance in Kenya: What to Consider

It is very difficult to make a right and wise decision on which policy to buy when it comes to Medical Insurance in Kenya. This is truly a confusing task. Here is a guideline. Here are the five most important things you have to pay attention to. These items are also your keys to picking a policy that’s right for you: The insurance company’s record of complaints: Every large company will have some complaints. You can obtain more information from the Insurance Regulatory Authority. Avoid companies that have a high…

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Prevalence of Breast Cancer in Kenya

Today’s Kenyan woman is more knowledgeable and conscientious than ever about the risks and prevalence of breast cancer in Kenya. This is especially true for women over 40 years of age, who have crossed the threshold of increased risk of breast cancer. Age is so important to the development of breast cancer that about 76% of women who develop it have no other risk factors other than age. However, all women, regardless of age or race, need to acknowledge the risk of developing it. All women are at risk. Prevalence of…

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Abortion in Kenya: A Public Health Crisis

Not a few women who have been confronted with the reality of unwanted pregnancy have chosen to resolve their problem through abortion in Kenya. Abortion is a procedure that makes use of medicine or surgery to remove the embryo or fetus and placenta from the uterus to end a pregnancy. The procedure is usually done by a licensed physician or someone acting under the supervision of a licensed physician. But lately, it has been done by even unqualified personnel endangering the life of the woman. Women even buy abortion pills…

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Beauty Medicine

Antibiotics for UTI in Kenya: One Day to 10 Day Options

Antibiotics for uti in Kenya are very many. When you’re sick, listen to your mother: go see your doctor. This will help you find out what exact illness you have and how to get better. If you’re diagnosed with a bacterial infection of the urinary tract, your doctor can provide a host of treatment options. This may or may not include antibiotics. To treat a bacterial illness such as urinary tract infection, sinusitis or an ear infection, your doctor might prescribe a regimen of antibiotics. They are used to kill…

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COVID 19 CASES KENYA: Lessons From Past Pandemics

Flu and the Immune System COVID 19 cases in Kenya are basically influenza like infections. Influenza (“flu”) strikes every year in Kenya and afflicts millions. Under normal circumstances, flu is not considered a general public health risk. Of course, any disease must be taken seriously for two reasons. First of all, any disease, including flu, can become dangerous through complications. But, let’s also understand the far more important issue with regard to flu (and not just the Corona Virus Disease) but disease in general. Every flu is a problem primarily because…

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Are Allergy Shots in Kenya Effective?

Itchy, watery eyes, runny nose and sneezing are all common symptoms which a vast majority of us experience as allergy symptoms at specific times throughout the year. Many individuals do everything in their power to avoid allergies including changing their diets, staying indoors or taking vitamin supplements like vitamin c. These may contribute to fighting allergies, but there is another effective way to do so. Immunotherapy or allergy shots in Kenya are gaining popularity. Getting an allergy shot can be scary for some people, so we thought it would be…

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Ginseng Tablets Kenya: Is It Really Beneficial or an Asian Myth?

For thousands of years, ginseng tablets Kenya has been revered in the Orient as an almost magical natural supplement with amazing benefits for those who use it regularly. It is said that ginseng will boost the immune system, enhance vitality, increase physical endurance, increase mental alertness, and treat illnesses like colds, fevers, headaches, and vomiting. It is even believed to be an aphrodisiac. Letís face it, if ginseng actually had the properties to give all the benefits it is believed to give, people would be taking it with every meal. The…

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Insurance Medicine


In the medical field, professional there are exposed to several diseases some of which are life threatening. It just takes a small twitch of the finger to make an incision on the doctor’s finger which can lead to the acquiring of the HIV Virus. Sometimes you might not know what the patient is suffering from, and before you know it you have Corona Virus Disease (COVID 19) or such like novel disease. Trauma can happen, especially if someone you loved dies under your care. All these are scenarios in the…

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Beauty Medicine

Top 4 Best Condoms in Kenyan Market

With the varied forms of contraception available today, sexually active men and women will never have to worry about unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. In this article, the author provides the best condoms in Kenyan market available today to help those who are choosing which condom products to use. For couples who are not yet ready to start having children, the only solution for this dilemma is to take a reliable and effective birth control method. Today, many forms of contraceptive methods are introduced and promoted to be used…

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