

Medicines are very important in curing or preventing diseases and improving the quality of lives. They are responsible component of the health system that enable health worker to cure many health problems and save lives. Millions of sick people Have listed their lives due to reducing access to health care and medicines. Therefore, drugs should be accessible to all the citizens of a country. Whereas, most developing countries like Kenya have faced severe high prices of medicines, which leads to inaccessibility by most of the citizens. Shortly in this article,…

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H pylori is an abdominal disease caused by the effect of bacteria (hectobacter) on the stomach lining leading to sore or ulcer. H pylori are mostly reported in communities and environments that lack clean water and good drainage system. You can contract the bacteria from an infected person through body fluid or saliva.  Many cases of H pylori have been reported in Kenya with this disease affecting both young and old people, Hotels and schools that do not observe the highest level of food hygiene are responsible for the wide…

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Insurance Medicine


In the medical field, professional there are exposed to several diseases some of which are life threatening. It just takes a small twitch of the finger to make an incision on the doctor’s finger which can lead to the acquiring of the HIV Virus. Sometimes you might not know what the patient is suffering from, and before you know it you have Corona Virus Disease (COVID 19) or such like novel disease. Trauma can happen, especially if someone you loved dies under your care. All these are scenarios in the…

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COVID 19 CASES KENYA: Lessons From Past Pandemics

Flu and the Immune System COVID 19 cases in Kenya are basically influenza like infections. Influenza (“flu”) strikes every year in Kenya and afflicts millions. Under normal circumstances, flu is not considered a general public health risk. Of course, any disease must be taken seriously for two reasons. First of all, any disease, including flu, can become dangerous through complications. But, let’s also understand the far more important issue with regard to flu (and not just the Corona Virus Disease) but disease in general. Every flu is a problem primarily because…

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COVID 19 IN KENYA: 6 Things to Do in Preparation

A recent survey showed that 70% of Kenyan businesses were not ready for the coming COVID-19 Influenza pandemic in Kenya, hence catch on the chasing lane. However, 73% said they wanted to get ready, but weren’t sure what to do. Here then, is a starter list of six things you should include in your business preparedness plan as you plan to cover loses during this time. 1. Absenteeism will be high due to illness or refusal to come to the workplace out of fear. Gather your key employees in accounting,…

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Disturbed by Sleep Aid Side Effects

There are thousands of people in Kenya who struggle with sleeping problems, but fortunately, there are many treatments available. But before popping on those pills without knowing the sleep aid side effects, one must think that treatment for sleeping problems really depends on the specific issue that needs to be resolved. For example, if a person is simply trying to reduce how much he or she snores, using specially designed pillows and breathing strips may just do the trick. If a person is not getting enough sleep, there are both…

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Importance of Water Intake in Kenya

Drink plenty of water each day. That sounds so simple, but so few people know the importance of water intake in Kenya and the need to adhere to this good advice. Water is a basic necessity, needed to maintain a healthy body, a clear mind, and a good balance within your tissues. About 60 percent of your body is water, and you must constantly replenish the supply, as it’s used continuously in the processes of life. So why do so many people fail to drink enough water? Many people don’t…

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Ginseng Tablets Kenya: Is It Really Beneficial or an Asian Myth?

For thousands of years, ginseng tablets Kenya has been revered in the Orient as an almost magical natural supplement with amazing benefits for those who use it regularly. It is said that ginseng will boost the immune system, enhance vitality, increase physical endurance, increase mental alertness, and treat illnesses like colds, fevers, headaches, and vomiting. It is even believed to be an aphrodisiac. Letís face it, if ginseng actually had the properties to give all the benefits it is believed to give, people would be taking it with every meal. The…

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Are Allergy Shots in Kenya Effective?

Itchy, watery eyes, runny nose and sneezing are all common symptoms which a vast majority of us experience as allergy symptoms at specific times throughout the year. Many individuals do everything in their power to avoid allergies including changing their diets, staying indoors or taking vitamin supplements like vitamin c. These may contribute to fighting allergies, but there is another effective way to do so. Immunotherapy or allergy shots in Kenya are gaining popularity. Getting an allergy shot can be scary for some people, so we thought it would be…

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Corona Virus in Kenya: Staying Safe

Influenza is in no way a new ailment to plague the people of the world have witnessed. However, a new deadly strand of the viruses has everyone running for cover. How do you avoid catching flu, including the dangerous bird flu and corona virus in Kenya that threatens so many? First, it should be explained that bird flu, also known as avian influenza, is a virus much like the regular flu or corona virus which the world is now getting accustomed to. It is transmitted in much the same way,…

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